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Success Stories

See how Ryan's advice has personally impacted thousands of women worldwide and how you can also achieve success.

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Here are some more written Success Stories from Boyfriend Blueprint alumni, Anna & Frances...

Where are you from and what was your main motivation for enrolling in The Boyfriend Blueprint program?

"I am from a desert area within the state of California. The timing and description of the course, as well as my previous experience with Ryan’s YouTube channel allowed me the opportunity and motivation to invest in myself with a guide I felt resonated with my values and goals. I hoped to gain guidance regarding how to better understand men, be better treated by them, and insight as to what I may have to improve on as an individual."

What are some of your favorite aspects of the course and the course experience, and is there anything that may have surprised you about the program?

"I was very happily surprised that the course took self-growth and past trauma into account and prioritized life balance over centering the focus on men. The way the questions were worded produced a new or expanded perspective regarding old questions. The course was structured in a way that expanded into the realm of dating as a bonus or add-on to the spice of life rather than the source of one’s happiness."

What's the most significant change you've seen in yourself since completing the course?

"Those self-growth questions are my meat and potatoes in regards to what I worked on the most during the time of the course and still to this day. However, the biggest changes have been in how I consider men in my environment, how I choose to relate to or invest my time in them, and my expectations for how I want to be treated by them. I am not currently dating, but I have gained a considerably better grasp of healthy boundaries, expectations, and how to maintain a sense of independence while still being respectful.

I had a very harsh reality waiting for me in regards to my past choices and behavior with men, which greatly shaped my past experiences and understanding of expectations. I was too provisional, too much of a care-taker, and far too accommodating for how I was treated in my past. This course provided the guidelines for maintaining independence, self-respect, self-worth, and how to slow down and consider what to offer, when, to whom, and how to determine the quality of returns on my investment. I feel as though I can date when I am ready, in a way that I am not utilized, not taken advantage of, and not wasting my time and resources. Dating becomes an experience rather than a chore, set of expectations I have to meet, or test to pass."

Anything else you'd like to add?

"I personally appreciate that Ryan was relatable and able to share his personal experiences. The softer qualities or approaches he advocates challenge the direct approach I was taught and I have seen the benefits of this mindset in all aspects of life I have applied them: from talking with critical family members, being sensitive to men being vulnerable, releasing overbearing acquaintances back into the wild, and even the work environment. I won’t claim perfection at any time, but the work in progress is meaningful and the guidance much appreciated and valued."

Where are you from and what was your main motivation for enrolling in The Boyfriend Blueprint program?

"Hi, my name is Frances. I have been a personal development enthusiast for over 15 years! I saw Ryan's amazing and thorough dating advice videos on Youtube! He's a real Pro. I have studied dating and I have been coached by many coaches and his videos are right on! It amazes me how accurate he is about male behavior! I knew I wanted to receive coaching from him right away! I really enjoyed the program and his perspectives got me through quarantine. I have always had a feeling that men are kind-hearted and make valuable partners. I really feel confident that I will have a lasting and healthy relationship from connecting with Ryan."

What are some of your favorite aspects of the course and the course experience, and is there anything that may have surprised you about the program?

"I loved the Lavender Hoop Exercise. I won't give it away, but I enjoyed the process of letting go of old relationships. 😊 As an energy healer, this was transformational for me and I could feel the release. I love how Ryan addressed time organization and financial organization. I feel that co-dependence is the reason that so many people stay in unhealthy, dysfunctional relationships. People really need to MASTER stability so they can benefit from a healthy relationship without losing themselves."

What's the most significant change you've seen in yourself since completing the course?

"This course restores a lot of my confidence in men and finding a partner. I found myself applying the knowledge in my daily life and the 1:1 coaching provided me support that I needed. I went through a recent breakup before the course and Ryan's coaching gave me the confidence that I'm still sexy and I will make an amazing partner! [He didn't say that, that is how I feel in my own words 😊]"

Anything else you'd like to add?

"Take the course and dedicate yourself to it for the 90+ days! You are worth it!"

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