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Discover The Most Effective Online Dating Methods To Source & Screen High-Quality, Relationship-Ready Men From The MASSIVE Pile Of Average Joes & Convert Him From Flirty Messages To In-Person Dates In Just 1 Day

Even If You’re Shy, Lacking Looks, “Past Your Prime” Or Completely New To Online Dating…

Are dating apps leaving you with below-average to POOR results? Not sure how to craft a compelling profile or how to transition a great guy from DMs to dates?

Welcome to The Boyfriend Blueprint: Field Guide Volume 2 on Online Dating! In just three video modules, you’ll come out the other side **confident** in how to navigate dating apps, effortlessly sort through the mountain of men available to you and ultimately land a great, high-value man of your choosing.

Technology can be an incredibly powerful tool… but only if it’s used properly.

If you don’t know how to use it effectively, how can you ever expect it to work for you?

That’s why I created the Online Dating Field Guide. I wanted to take out the guesswork and have online dating become second nature to you.

In this Field Guide, I will take you by the hand and guide you through these uncharted waters of online dating...

I will not only show you how to unlock the full potential of dating apps, but also:

  • How to create a magnetic profile
  • How to search for the right men
  • How to message with the right men
  • How to get dates with the right men
  • How to sort & rate these men quickly

We are going to rig the system in your favor…

Ready to demystify online dating for good? Let’s do this.

- Dating Coach Ryan Patrick

The Field Guide Series

Field Guides are focused, tactical video tutorials dedicated to specific aspects of dating and men. They act as supplemental material to Ryan Patrick’s broader online video course, The Boyfriend Blueprint, which can be purchased separately.

Who is this Field Guide for?

  • First-time daters
  • Experienced daters finding below-average to NO results
  • Those who’ve been “out-of-the-game” for a while
  • Those recently divorced or who have become widowed

The Set Up

1.1 - The Online Dating Mindset
1.2 - Setting Goals & Timelines
1.3 - Paid vs Free Dating Sites / Apps
1.4 - Selecting Your Dating Sites / Apps
1.5 - Embracing Your Inner Proximity Snob
1.6 - Crafting Your Profile
1.7 - Choosing Photos
1.8 - When To Use Profile Upgrades
1.9 - Publishing Your Profile


The Execution

2.1 - Establishing Your Prospect Pipeline
2.2 - Managing Interested Prospects
2.3 - The Art Of The Search
2.4 - Red Flags vs. Green Flags
2.5 - Online Dating & LDR Scams
2.6 - How To Message With Men
2.7 - Moving The Conversation To Text
2.8 - The Spherical Scale
2.9 - Taking Breaks


The Follow Through

3.1 - Knowing When It’s Time To Meet
3.2 - Getting Date No. 1
3.3 - The Guy Funnel™
3.4 - Building The Bullpen
3.5 - Trimming Out Cold Leads
3.6 - Strategies That Win
3.7 - Shutting Down Your Profile
3.8 - Wash, Rinse, & Repeat
3.9 - Resources & Recommendations

By the end of this course, you’ll have:

Curated Storytelling Capability

Know how to effectively convey your story to men and how to create mystery in all the right places

Expert-Level Sourcing

Know how to properly search for and find high-quality men online readily and easily that meet your newly-calibrated standards

Escalation Intuition

Know how to move men from your message box to meaningful dates methodically and efficiently

Ryan Patrick is one of the top dating & relationship coaches for women on Youtube. His dating advice Youtube channel has garnered over 330k subscribers. He’s successfully helped thousands of women all over the world accelerate their learning curve in the dating game with his tactful, psychologically-rooted strategies and “tough love” approach.

Here is exactly what you get when you join:

  • 4 ½-Hour Video Course Broken Up Into 3 Modules
  • Downloadable Worksheets + Resources
  • Lifetime Access To All Course Materials

You'll get immediate FULL ACCESS to all course modules and materials to complete at your own pace after purchase.

The Online Dating Video Course

Master the art of online dating with Ryan's inside tips and tricks on everything from creating a magnetic profile to converting online messaging with men into in-person dates.

  • 4 ½-Hour Video Course
  • 3 Content Modules
  • Downloadable Worksheets + Resources
  • Lifetime Access To All Course Materials


(Use code SUMMER50 for $50 off in checkout!)


The Field Guides Bundle

Purchase Ryan's Texting & Online Dating Field Guides together and receive the best possible discount you'll find.

  • 2 Field Guides
  • 6-Hours of Video Course Material 
  • Downloadable Worksheets + Resources
  • Lifetime Access To All Course Materials

$394  $247

(Best Savings!)

Click here to learn more about
The Texting Field Guide